10 of the Most Valuable Treasure Troves Ever Found

10. Bactrian Gold – 1978 | Value: Priceless

9. The Saddle Ridge Hoard – 2013 | Value: A lot!

8. The Panagyurishte Treasure – 1949 | Value: Priceless

7. Caesarea Sunken Treasure – 2015 | Value: Priceless

6. Środa Treasure – 1885 – 1888 | Value: $120 Million

5. The Cuerdale Hoard – 1840 | Value: $3.2 Million

4. Hoxne Hoard – 1992 | Value: $3.8 Million

3. St. Albans Hoard – 2012 | Value: £100,000

2. The Le Catillon II Hoard – 2012 | Value: Over 10 Million Pounds

1. Staffordshire Hoard – 2009 | Value: $4.1 Million