The 15 Most Priciest U.S. Coins You Won't Believe

15) Silver Dollars, Liberty Seated 1870S

14) Nickel Five-Cent Pieces, Liberty Head 1913 Proof

13) Three Dollar Gold Pieces 1870S

12) Silver Dollars, Draped Bust 1804 Proof Original, Class I

11) Half Eagles ($5.00 Gold Pieces), Coronet 1854S

10) Silver Dollars, Draped Bust 1804 Proof Restrike, Class III

9) Half Eagles ($5.00 Gold Pieces), Capped Head to Left 1822

8) Half Dollars, Flowing Hair 1795 Overton 132

7) Double Eagles ($20.00 Gold Pieces), Coronet 1861 Paquet reverse

6) Large One-Cent Pieces, Liberty Cap 1795 Reeded edge S-79

5) Large One-Cent Pieces, Flowing Hair, Wreath Reverse 1793 S-NC-3 Strawberry Leaf

4) Large One-Cent Pieces, Flowing Hair, Wreath Reverse 1793 S-NC-2 Strawberry Leaf

3) Double Eagles ($20.00 Gold Pieces), Saint-Gaudens 1933

2) Silver Dollars, Draped Bust 1804 Proof Restrike, Class II

1) Half Dollars, Flowing Hair 1794 Overton 109

10 of the Most Ancient Coins Ever Discovered