The Top 20 Famous Coin Collectors
20. John Larroquette
19. Penny Marshall
18. Buddy Ebsen
17. Jack Black
16. Nicole Kidman
15.James Earl Jones
14. Matthew McConaughey
13. Kate Hudson
12. Joan Crawford
11. King Farouk I of Egypt
10. John Jay Pittman - 1913-1996 (83 years old)
9. Louis E. Eliasberg, Sr. - 1896-1976 (80 years old)
8. Colonel EHR Green - 1868-1936 (68 years old)
7. Virgil M. Brand - 1862-1926 (64 years old)
6. Harry W. Bass - 1927-1998 (74 years old)
5. ANA Museum Coin Collection
4. Josiah Lilly - 1893-1966 (73 years old)
3. Caesar Augustus
2. Smithsonian Coin Collection
1. Mint Cabinet Coin Collection