How to Create a Fire Escape Plan for Your Family?

How to Create a Fire Escape Plan for Your Family?

How to Create a Fire Escape Plan for Your Family?

How to Create a Fire Escape Plan for Your Family?

Fire in the house can create a havoc situation where it may damage your household items and turn you into a heavy loss. For a safe exit during a fire emergency individuals should prepare a fire escape plan in their house. Building your house with a fire exit plan can help you escape during an emergency. Most of the time people do not take it seriously to create a fire exit plan in their house during the construction.

It is believed that this scenario will not occur or people can handle that during the emergency. A small fire incident can make you panic and can create a difficult situation. With a proper fire exit plan, you can easily escape from the place of the incident.

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    How to Prepare For a Fire Exit Plan?

    Creating a planned fire escape plan is not a difficult task, it can be implemented during the construction of your house. The tips for building a proper fire escape plan are suggested below which can help you to make a better plan for your safety purposes.

    Consult with experts to sketch a map of your house: To prepare a safe plan for a fire escape, discuss with the experts to inspect your house, sketch a map of your house, and suggest possible alterations to your house. They can help you to make shorter and safer routes which will be beneficial during an emergency.

    Familiarize with your family: A fire escape plan should be made in the acknowledgment of the family which makes them aware of the safety protocols during the incident. Teach your family members about the steps to be taken during alarming situations. Tell them about the use of fire extinguishers and how to react during a panic situation.

    Make a floor plan: Make a proper floor plan by analyzing your house map to create a fire exit. Make sure to create an emergency window in every room for added safety. The emergency exit doors should be at a less crowded place.

    Add a safe place: Create an open place where every family member can gather during a fire situation. It can be in your kitchen garden or near your neighbor’s boundary wall. Everyone should be aware of the safe place.
    Add Safety Alarms: Install Safety alarms and fire extinguishers in every room, which will help during an emergency. Proper maintenance should be done for the safety alarms and refilling of fire extinguishers.

    Execute a Home Fire Drill

    Evaluate teaching and practicing a fire drill in a few months to help get the family familiar with what to do and maintain adults in practice as well. Practice just as you’d do it in real time. Describe, step-by-step, what you expect from your family.
    Go through the plan at any time of day or night and practice different ways out because fires can start anywhere within the house and at any time.

    Step 1: Understand where to go. Check your safe gathering area and explain to your family that when the smoke alarm sounds, they must get out of the house fast and meet at that safety zone.

    Step 2: Review your smoke alarms. Test your smoke alarms with your family members so they understand the sound.

    Step 3: Do the drill. As soon as the drill starts, send the youngsters to their beds. Adults should help young children. Allow one adult to manage the drill and sound the smoke alarm. Next, start the timer, activate the smoke alarm, and guide everyone to the safety zone. Stop the timer once everyone is situated at the safe gathering place. Each of you gets an imagined gold medal if you all finish in just over two minutes. If not, try it another time. If there is a real fire, everyone ought to stay close together until firefighters come after establishing a safe meeting location and calling.

    Add a backup plan for the fire escape

    Creating and Implementing a fire escape plan is a different thing, the emergency can be unknown and can be more dangerous than expected. For that situation be prepared for a backup and make your kids and family aware of the backup plan so that they should know how to react during an emergency.

    • Add an emergency fire service number in every family member’s phone, so that during the fire incident anyone can call the fire brigade to evacuate and save your valuables.
    • If all your fire exit doors and windows are blocked, be prepared with a towel or blanket to put it into the exit door to stop spreading the fire.
    • Talk to your family members and discuss with them to gather at a safe place during the failure of your fire escape plan.

    Prevent your home from fire incidents

    Make a move to save your home from getting into the fire and take some precautions in daily life so that a fire incident never occurs. Take care of your surroundings to avoid such a panic situation and proper steps should be taken. The steps to avoid fire incidents involve:

    • Turn off your gas stove after cooking the food and make sure the gas is not leaking from anywhere. Keep a check on your kids that they are not touching the gas stove and not using fire objects.
    • Switch off your water heaters after taking a bath and properly check before leaving your bathing area and kitchen.
    • Turn off the knob of the gas cylinder for precaution when you are leaving your home for going on a trip. Be aware that the gas is not leaking from the cylinder and everything is fine.
    • Change your gas cylinder pipe and regulators at the mentioned time to prevent a fire incident. Check the gas pipe regularly and replace it with a new one if it is worn out.
    • Keep away the candles and flammable materials from the curtains and bedsheets to avoid any fire incidents.
    • Check your electrical equipment and appliances regularly through a professional. Consult with an electrician to check the meter Box and wirings for added safety.


    Create your fire escape plan by letting your family know about everything. Consult an expert to make a good plan and keep your home safe from such incidents.
    Get the best tips from experts and make your home with a better plan for the safety of your family. Making and practicing your fire escape will help you to protect yourself from the emergency. Make your family’s safety a priority and discuss a good fire escape plan.

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